Who We Are
Elementary and Upper Level Choir for the Greater Kalamazoo and Battle Creek
homeschool community
The Kalamazoo Homeschool Choir is an exciting opportunity for any homeschooled child that has a passion for music or simply a desire to learn! Our mission is to provide a distinctively Christian and independent choral opportunity to homeschooling families where God is glorified. Students will learn sight-reading, solfege, singing in parts, and proper vocal techniques as they refine their musical abilities-all while having fun in the process! Our elementary choir is for ages 7-12; our upper level choir is for ages 12 and up.
We meet Friday mornings from 10-11:30 in Northeastern Kalamazoo during the fall and winter. Our fall session ends before Thanksgiving, and our winter session ends before Easter. Tuition is $110 per student per session. Enrollment in both sessions is encouraged, but not required.
Our Elementary Director is Dr. Sooy. Dr. Sooy is a teacher, theologian, author, pastor, worship leader and musician. His experience has led him to serve in pastoral church ministry, university instruction, worship leading, authoring, conference speaking and leading, private music instruction and other forms of Christian service.
Mark holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from LBC | Capital Seminary with a focus on the spiritual formation of leaders, a Master of Arts in Historical Theology from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary of Cornerstone University, and a Bachelor of Theology degree with an emphasis in Pastoral Studies from Grace Bible College (with majors in Bible, Theology and Music).
In addition to his other Christian service experience, Mark has worked with children of all ages for many years. He currently teaches private music lessons for children and teens. As a Pastor of Music and Worship he worked with directors of children's choirs to facilitate many different kinds of performances. For many years he taught music appreciation for elementary children with a West Michigan homeschool co-op. He has also directed handbell choirs for groups from elementary age through High School.
For more information about Mark and Elisabeth Sooy visit their website at www.MarkSooy.com

​Our Upper Level director is Mrs. Sooy. Mrs. Sooy has been singing and playing violin and piano since a very young child. She has been an Orchestra and Choir director and accompanist for over 35 years. Elisabeth was the Director of the Metropolitan Choir of Praise, Director and Vocal coach at Grace Bible College, many local church choirs and other small ensembles. In recent years she was involved with the Lamb of God in Kalamazoo, and conducted the 2019 and 2023 performances. She played in Youth Orchestras, the Anchorage Symphony Orchestra, the Firelands Symphony in Ohio and various pit operas and musicals. She also directed the Pit Orchestra for HPA in Kalamazoo for over 10 years and is certified with the Suzuki Association. She directs many different string groups as well. Her greatest desire is to honor God and bring out the best in all those she works with, to His glory.
please contact us if you wish to be put into our waitlist pool.
Winter Session will run January 17th-March 21st.
Elementary Registration is currently closed
Upper Level Registration is currently closed

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;